The Valuable Dev

A Mouseless Development Environment

A Mouseless Development Environment

Did you hear about development environments centered around this fantastic tool, the shell? Are you ready to abandon your mouse? No? You think it's stupid? I'm here to show you the benefits of this kind of systems. Dive with me in my Mouseless Development Environment.

Developer Side Projects: 10 Steps From Creation to Launch

Developer Side Projects: 10 Steps From Creation to Launch

First you need the mindset. Then, you need the tools. Without the mindset, you won't use the tools correctly, consistently. Without the good tools, you won't be efficient and you won't enjoy the process. This article is about the mindset: what do you need to understand and apply, to successfully begin, build and finish your side projects?

PHP Code Quality Tools to Check and Improve your Code

PHP Code Quality Tools to Check and Improve your Code

Oh no! You're working on an application which is as messy as your flat! You don't understand anything, every bug takes weeks to fix. You need to improve the quality of your PHP code... but how? What tool to use? A hoover? Don't worry, dear reader, I have some answers for you.

The DRY Principle: Benefits and Costs with Examples

The DRY Principle: Benefits and Costs with Examples

The DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) is easy to understand but difficult to apply. Should we never repeat our code? What was the true purpose of the principle's authors? Let's decipher what should be DRY in our code, and what should not.