Measuring Software Complexity at the Command Line
Using common CLI, let's analyze two open source project to find their potential complexity: Devdash and Kubernetes.
Using common CLI, let's analyze two open source project to find their potential complexity: Devdash and Kubernetes.
Text-objects are useful constructs to edit our content in Vim. What could be better? Creating our own!
Let's explore the concepts of cohesion and coupling in depth: where they come from, why they are so important, how to concretely apply them, when, and in what context.
If you use Zsh often, it's worthwhile to customize the Zsh Line Editor to your own needs, to bring even more efficiency and ease in your workflow.
When looking at a codebase, we shouldn't forget to also look at its context, its environment. In this article, we'll look at the studies trying to use some properties of this environment to measure the complexity of the software project itself.