The Ridiculous Titles Held By Software Developers

The Ridiculous Titles Held By Software Developers

We love, in the software industry, to give to each others titles. Junior developer, senior software engineering, front end programmer, and so on and so forth. Is these titles meaningful? What information do they carry about the people holding them? Can we think about a whole new set of titles, translating more accurately what really want companies from their developers?

8 Steps to Find the Best Web Developer Job

8 Steps to Find the Best Web Developer Job

Here you are! In front of a powerful CTO of the best we-will-disturb-the-market startup in town. You answered a job offer promising money and glory, soon they will be all yours! But first, you need to decipher if this company will bring you to the asylum before the wealth flows from your pockets. How to assess that you might be able to tolerate spending 8 hours a day in there?