Measuring Software Complexity at the Command Line

Using common CLI, let's analyze two open source project to find their potential complexity: Devdash and Kubernetes.
Using common CLI, let's analyze two open source project to find their potential complexity: Devdash and Kubernetes.
When looking at a codebase, we shouldn't forget to also look at its context, its environment. In this article, we'll look at the studies trying to use some properties of this environment to measure the complexity of the software project itself.
Do we need to measure complexity? With what metrics? What benefits can it brings? This is the questions we'll answer in this article.
We speak about it, we complain about it, we want to get rid of it. But do we really understand what's a legacy system?
Software entropy can easily makes our work, as developers, way more difficult that it has to be. Knowing what is software entropy and how to keep it low is essential for our projects to be maintainable and easily scalable.