The Cognitive Load Theory in Software Development

The cognitive load theory, based on many scientific experiments, can help us understand how we can learn more effectively new technologies as well as our ever changing codebases.
The cognitive load theory, based on many scientific experiments, can help us understand how we can learn more effectively new technologies as well as our ever changing codebases.
As developers, learning is part of our job. We need to learn about many different topics to be good problem solvers. How to learn effectively, and efficiently? This is the question this article try to answer by brushing over the vast concept of learning.
As developers, we are alternatively teachers and learners. How to share efficiently our knowledge while avoiding the filthy expert blind spot? The cognitive load theory can help us understand the problem, and logging your knowledge acquisition process can be a powerful solution.
Learning a programming language is not easy, especially if you try to learn it passively. However, it can stretch your skills and show you a different way to approach software development. In this article, I share my method to learn a new programming language, even if you are a total beginner. It has been effective for me to learn my first language, C, then PHP and Golang in 2018!
Here's the question I asked myself a lot: is it useful to be trained as a computer scientist to be a software developer? Does only knowing the basics helps? Is it interesting? I tried to begin to answer these questions after 100 hours of studying. I explain as well how I studied computer science alone as efficiently as I could. As Socrates was saying: I know that I know nothing... even more!