How did I Replace PhpStorm by Vim in my Heart

How did I Replace PhpStorm by Vim in my Heart

Behold the story of a developer (me) who were mocking his colleague for using Vim! He was young, innocent and presumptuous! But at the end, he understood why Vim is so praised since the 70s: it's the best editor ever. I won't go into a crusade to evangelise you with Vim, but you need to know my story: how I ended up using Vim after years with PhpStorm.

PHP 7 Type Hinting: Inconsistencies and Pitfalls

PHP 7 Type Hinting: Inconsistencies and Pitfalls

When PHP 7 came up with strong types, I saw the light. I had the hope not to see anymore bugs and inconsistencies due to weak typing in PHP. I remember reading some code and having no idea what could be the type of the variables I had in front of me. Can I use the return of this method as an int? A boolean? Will it create silent bugs and unexpected behaviors?

PHP DateTime: Create, Compare and Format Dates Easily

PHP DateTime: Create, Compare and Format Dates Easily

When I search and read code about time and date problems developers have, I noticed that a lot of people still use the old PHP functions like date(), time() or strtotime(). What about using the class DateTime instead? DateTime can do all the usual date and time operations you could ask for, and even more. Using DateTime can save a lot of time when you have to do simple, or more complex operations on dates.

10 PhpStorm Shorcuts and Tricks you Should Know

10 PhpStorm Shorcuts and Tricks you Should Know

PhpStorm is my favorite IDE for coding in PHP: pretty stable, you can do a lot with it. A shed load of stuff in fact. Even coding! The guys from Jetbrains tried to integrate every useful tools for a web developer in one software and, I have to say, it is pretty well done! You can configure easily a debugger, using a terminal, sending requests to your remote or local databases.