Neovim and Tree-sitter: An Overview with Examples

Tree-sitter is a powerful tool embedded in Neovim to precisely parse your source code, to enjoy fast syntax highlighting and other functionalities.
Tree-sitter is a powerful tool embedded in Neovim to precisely parse your source code, to enjoy fast syntax highlighting and other functionalities.
The CLI fzf can greatly improve our shell experience by fuzzy searching any files, directories, or anything else you want, using simple keystrokes or completion.
Many CLIs are general enough to be powerful in many situations; the fuzzy finder fzf is a good example. Fast, highly customizable, it answers many needs a developer can have.
The terminal is the result of its long history, from the telegram to our terminal emulators. What are the differences with the console? With the shell?
Let's dive deeper in Vim regexes by looking at specific metacharacters only available in your favorite editor.